Sunday 15 December 2013

Text & Image - Recreating Images

As we had to spend the last week simply reproducing our images 10 times I had to start thinking about how I was going to do this with my images. I started with my forest piece as I felt this would be the hardest to reproduce.
I needed to think about how I was going to create the slides for 10 different books. I began with the background.


I will layer each of these different sized images over each other and stick them together at the top and bottom to create the platforms for the family caractures to slide in and out of.

These caractures would then be slid into each layer, the mum character on the largest first panel and so on.
After planning all of this and getting the images saved in the right size and so on, it turned out this would be one of the easiest to recreate - I could just print out 10 copies of everything and assemble it very quickly.
The folding of the "clean me" is going to be the worst as I have to paint 10 pieces of newspaper white and then do the whole folding process 10 times and then write "clean me" manually 10 times.

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