Friday 13 December 2013

Text & Image - Ideas

Text & Image

The brief for this project is : Create a collaboratively produced publication that explores the theme of dialogue in some way. 
 After forming our group we decided the best thing to do would be to get to know each other and throw around a few ideas. Over coffee the conversation, in some way or another, came to the theme of dreams. As we all discussed and laughed at each others dreams we realised that this subject would be perfect for the brief of exploring dialogue. Anyone that gets into conversation about dreams is immediately interested and want to share their own experiences and discuss similarities - therefore the subject itself induces dialogue. 
We all agreed that the best way to get inspiration for the subject was to keep a dream diary for a week - to produce an image for each dream and limit yourself to 25 words to describe the dream. 

After creating this mind map we all selected an area we could explore that week for research whilst developing our dream diaries. Georgie and I selected the Meanings headings.

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