Friday 13 December 2013

Text & Image - Group Meetings and Deadlines

Week 3: As a group we decided we needed to start setting deadlines for when we should have our contribution to the publication finished by. We decided that our last week should be spent reproducing the images (there have to be 10 copies of the publication) and putting them all together.
We were all unsure exactly what was expected of us for this final producion.
After a discussion we decided  that if each of us did 5 pieces of work (whether that be scientific or illustrative of your dreams it is up to the person) in A5 size with an inch margin, it would be easier for us to put all the images together and bind. We set the deadline for the next monday to have 5 finished works and a piece of writing explaining what you were trying to achieve with your work - this would amount to 30 pages overall for our final publication.
However, what I had noticed was that we were finding it difficult to meet all at the same time as a group; there was always one or two of us missing. As this was the case, even though they were told the main points we decided in the meeting some of us didn't know the exact decisions and were unsure as to what they were expected to do. I feel that this project would run much smoother if all of us came in every day into the same room and worked together, even if it wasn't on the same piece of work.

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