Friday 13 December 2013

Text & Image - Dreams Meanings Research

With my research I decided to look into what definitions Psychologists had of the meaning of dreams.


  • Dreams are a representation of our unconscious wishes. 
  • They are formed using these processes: 
    • Condensation - Many ideas and concepts are condensed into a single thought/image
    • Displacement - Confuses the significant and the insignificant
    • Symbolization - Objects can be references to messages
    • Secondary Revision - Elements are organised to make the dream comprehensible 


  • Believes dreams are repressed wishes
  • Dreams reflect our personalities and real lives
  • They compensate for psyche that is underdeveloped in real life


  • Supports Jung's theory as he found in a study that our traits/choices in dreams reflect those in reality.
  • Claims you can interpret dreams by studying the following:
    • Actions of the dreamer
    • Objects and figures
    • Interactions between characters
    • Setting, transitions, outcomes


Lots of people believe that shared dreams such as teeth falling out, flying or falling, serve to connect us as a human race; we all have common concerns.

I would quite like to produce some work on this scientific research as I think it would be nice to have a mixture of dreams and science in the final publication so that it sort of blurs the lines between dreams and reality. 

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