Sunday 15 December 2013

Text & Image - Paper Folding

I recently had a paper folding workshop where I was taught this technique. Although I found it very difficult to get the hang of, I enjoyed the challenge and found myself completely absorbed in trying to achieve this pattern. I've never thought about paper folding as an art form before and I've never looked into it, however, after the workshop I found myself wanting to do more with the design and I started to think about how I could incorporate it into my production. 
After the folding, the paper is very interactive as if you bend it in a certain way it creates different shapes so it would work with my dream diary which I want to be interactive. I realised that if I wrote letters on one side of the fold it was almost like a secret message - you had to look at the paper from a certain angle to read it. The "Clean Me" dream is by far my most boring dream and my sketchbook design for it was very simple and dull and I thought this technique would be perfect for making the dream more interesting. 

I experimented with different papers but found the thicker the paper, the harder it was to achieve the effect.
After some experimentation, I settled with folding newspaper as this was the thinnest paper and also the text behind the phrase "clean me" exaggerated the phrase as the paper itself looked messy. 
I also experimented a little more with the folding and found that by repeating the same technique on the same piece of paper 3 times it created a brilliant shape where it was even harder to decode the message. 

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