Friday 13 December 2013

Text & Image - Dream Diary images

We all agreed that we would spend this week gathering images and putting together some work on our dreams as we can then come back at the end of the week and discuss what we want to be included in the publication and what could be improved. I like this idea as it means I can produce my own work without much pressure of it having to fit to someone elses.

 Saving Dracula. Underwater shopping mall. Decaying. A ship. Diving. Eating lots of rice.

With these images I really wanted to capture the eery feel of the dream, and also the abstract vagueness of it. It seemed to jump from one seemingly important thing to a completely irrelevant, insignificant thing and also accepted the abnormal as completely normal.
I put all the aspects of the dream into images, using dark colours and ink to keep things pretty fluid and abstract. To anyone else these images would appear completely irrelevant and bizarre and I think this is what the finished piece needs to be like; people will guess at what the images mean and reflect and therefore creates dialogue amongst the viewers.
At the minute I am not thinking about how I could reproduce all these images, just trying to get my ideas down on a page.

Violence. Escaping with family. Have to carry belongings. Walk through supermarket/forest. Starts to snow. Put on winter coats. Dance with JK Rowling's mum and dad. Going to magical land.

There was so much imagery in this dream that I didn't really know how to present it all. I wanted to show that places merged and blurred the lines of reality hence why I combined the printed image and the painted image of the forest. I don't like this piece though, I think the colours of the painted trees don't fit with the images and it lookRecurring. Dog yapping. Calling monster. At the door. At the window. No escape. Try Again. Making pasta, wrong ingredients.s childish. However, I do like the little caricatures of my family as they are quite humorous and the dream wasn't serious.
I think that there was so much weird imagery going on in this dream that I would quite like to make a couple of pages on it.

Clean kitchen - All apart from my pots.


Recurring. Dog yapping. Calling monster. At the door. At the window. No escape. Try Again. Making pasta, wrong ingredients.

I wanted to create a vague yet frightening monster for this dream as I can't remember what it looked like in the dream. I do a few little sketches but none of them fit so I did a little bit of research as to how other artists had portrayed monsters. The ink drawings immediately caught my eye as they were abstract yet disturbing.
It seemed to me that someone had just put ink to paper and seen what had happened so I decided to do the same. Without any plannign I created the monster on the left and was very pleased with it.


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