Friday 13 December 2013

Text & Image - Dream Diary

These were written the moment I woke up but I didn't want to edit them as I wanted to achieve the raw feel of a dream.

  • Cheese toastie. Frankenweenie characters on them. Very tasty. 
  • Clean kitchen - All apart from my pots.
  • Saving Dracula. Underwater shopping mall. Decaying. A ship. Diving. Eating lots of rice. 
  • Recurring. Dog yapping. Calling monster. At the door. At the window. No escape. Try Again. Making pasta, wrong ingredients.
  • Cast of Game of Thrones. Running away from home. Go along with them. Castle. Real life/actors.
  • Violence. Escaping with family. Have to carry belongings. Walk through supermarket/forest. Starts to snow. Put on winter coats. Dance with JK Rowling's mum and dad. Going to magical land. 

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