Saturday 17 January 2015

Class - Software is the bane of my life.

Cinema 4D is driving me insane. About 3 weeks have passed now and I have practically nothing to show for it in the way of 3D drawing. Every time I've attempted to create a character something's gone wrong. I finally settled down and watched about 6 hours of tutorials on and now have something that slightly resembles an upright ape but it's still not animatable. And I can't find any good tutorials on how to animate the character once it's created.
I've created a sketchbook where I'm putting in screenshots of all my failed attempts so at least everyone knows I've not just been doing nothing for the past three weeks. I've spent nearly all day every day in the Printing room at university. Also the only version of the software that I have available on my Mac doesn't have Pose Morph or Scultping which I need to sculpt (obviously) and animate.
At least I know not to overestimate what I can produce and learn now.

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