Saturday 17 January 2015

Class - and Kistch

I'm finally starting to get somewhere with my character design so I need to start visualising some films.
In my lecture the other day there was mention of Clement Greenburg and his views on Kitsch. As we all know, kitsch is my thing. I love kitsch. I want to be kitsch and I'll be damned if this projects doesn't have some kind of kitsch in there too.
Well anyway, Clement Greenburg said this (or near enough) "Repin paints effect. He predigests the art for the spectator and spares him the effort." Basically art which exists to produce effect is kitsch.
Everything that is blaringly obvious is kitsch. I want to do this with my work and I have an idea.
I think that I want to create characters that are so over the top stereotypically working class that people will take one look and think "this girl's a snob just showing the appearance of a chav". However, as I want my characters to be moving breathing characters I'm going to get them to talk and tell their stories. These stories will be taken from quotes I've collected or stories I've read in zines.

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