Saturday 17 January 2015

Class - Research

To try and find out more about working class and what really goes on, I've started watching some documentaries that explore home lives and follow people around on their day to day business. 
My favourite show is Skint. 

From this programme I've been quite shocked at stories some of the people tell. Stories of prostitution and drug addiction from very young ages - just to support themselves or to shut out reality. There have also been some extremely funny yet insightful quotes. A lot of cursing yet the things said are very intelligent. 
A few of my favourites being "Don't disrespect the fuckin' queen" and "When it comes to christmas you get a loan, buy your kids what everyone else has, spend the rest of the year paying it off then do it again next year!"
I want to incorporate these quotes into my films to reveal the truth behind the stereotypes and bring a personal level to the films. 

I also have been watching Gogglebox, partly because I enjoy it but also because I get to see the reactions from mainly working class audiences to current TV. One episode in particular was interesting as they all watched a programme called Inside Tattler and were astounded that some of the women hadn't ever heard of Poundland. They were laughing hysterically at her disbelief at the bargains. 

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