Saturday 17 January 2015

Class - Heads Only

I've decided to give up on trying to create a full body animation and just stick to the head. Christmas is just around the corner and I don't have the access to the correct software to continue to build a character if I'm going to have a functioning body too. However I practically have a finished head which I can begin filming with.

Here are 2 artists that helped me come to terms with this arrangement:

Alan Bennett - Talking Heads

Bennett takes ordinary characters and lets them tell their ordinary day to day stories, simply following their heads and shoulders round their homes. I love how revealing this is of working class in particular as it just shows personality - something we can all relate to. It reveals how we're all the same, we all have boring complaints or issues that we love to drone on about. 

Max Headroom

Max Headroom is another artist that I love the style of. He has practically created what I aim to do, just in an older software. he has made a 3D head and shoulders and has it speak nonsense in front of a glitchy computerised background. I love the clashing colours and the electronic feel of his work - it also reminds me of my poor image project I did last year. 

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