Tuesday 4 November 2014

Queensgate Market - Research

I've found out that I've been looking at the wrong market all along. I just assumed that Queensgate would be the open market as it is more interesting looking! At first I was very disappointed to find out that not only had all my work so far been on the Open Market but also that the project is actually based around what I find the highly uninspiring Queensgate Market.
However, as all my work so far was just trying to capture the movement and sounds in a market I'm sure I can still use it.
I went to the town library and did some research on Queensgate and found out a few interesting facts that made me change my mind about being disappointed.
I had no idea that there was originally another Market in Huddersfield, an old gothic building with a four faced clock tower. After looking up images and articles about the old market, I was amazed that they had torn down such a beautiful building to build this one. The old market had been constantly buzzing and a central place in town - students barely even know Queensgate exists. On top of that, Queensgate is listed due to the architectural ceiling using 21 concrete hyperbolic paraboloid shell structures - unlike any other building in the world. This is a posh name for the square mushroom like structures that make the ceiling all different heights.
Everything about the new structure pushed architectural boundaries in the 1970's and it was described in a listing review as "daring, passionate, reflecting self assurance and spirit of its age". Despite all this it is still an ugly building that is dingy and dark inside.
My opinion was also backed up by a local historian, Leslie Kipling "dark and dingy cavern" and "In summer it is unbearably hot and airless, in winter it is cold and cheerless. Low ceilings combine with a lack of natural light make it the kind of place you don't want to linger".
This information is the first inspiration I've had yet, I would like to use the notion of destroying the old and beautiful just in the name of making something new within my project.

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