Tuesday 4 November 2014

Queensgate Market - Cinema 4D

I decided to get started immediately on learning how to use C4D. I downloaded the software and opened it up and surprise surprise, it's like a different language. The most logical thing for me to do is to build Queensgate virtually, but I think I would like to focus on the movement through the market like I have already been doing using film.
I have been working on Lynda and making notes as I go along but I can tell this is going to take a very long time - it's very complicated! But I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.
By creating Queensgate virtually it is almost like creating a whole new market - just like Queensgate was created as a whole new market to the Gothic market. Whilst in the 70's, "new" was all about garish structures and experimentation, modern day is all about the virtual and software, so it's like creating a modern day new market. I therefore do want the virtual market to look distinctly virtual - much like Crevier's work.
With this I want to comment on how "new" isn't always better!

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