Tuesday 4 November 2014

Queensgate Market - Artist research


This artist is amazing! I've been getting more and more into video art but only really ever considered using film and editing that to create scenes; Crevier creates whole virtual worlds within a software called Cinema 4D. His film subjects are exactly what I like, making a weird, bizarre and obviously virtual worlds. I really want to have a go at using this software as I've never heard of it before and after researching it, it sounds like the possibilities are endless. 

After finding Louis Crevier's work I wanted to look for other artists that use C4D to see what its capabilities are within the art world. It didn't take long to find Zolloc's project called Oswra.
Zolloc works using GIF's, something I have been previously interested in. The repetitive nature of the animations adds to the creepiness and it shows that C4D can be used to create some very realistic human graphics. The movement is also really very smooth. I am definitely looking forward to using this. 

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