Monday 24 February 2014

Grand Masters - Selfie Wolf

 As I had done some collaging up to this point but the artists that were inspiring me mainly used video - I wanted to have a go at creating a video for myself. As I have never used any form of video maker before other than Windows Movie Maker, it took me a long time to find my way around Premiere Pro software.
I wanted to make a glitchy image that highlighted the use of poor image so I used effects in photoshop first to achieve the pixelated look. I then used effects in Premiere Pro that made the image "break" during the video. 
I liked the combination of the pixelated gaudy image infront of high quality, dreamlike "The Company of Wolves" scenes in my collages, so I decided to use this in the video too. I also wanted to focus on the meaning of the people turning into wolves in The Company Wolves so I created my own choppy transformation.

I would like to make the image interact more with the background and go on to make animations like Vicki Bennett. Also I need to think about sound a lot more in my films to create more of a computer effect to back up the poor image.

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