Monday 3 March 2014

Text - Kitsch and How I Work

We were given this brief to work from text a week ago - normally I am immediately inspired by briefs and have lots of ideas to choose from, but for this project I've been completely stuck. Going round and round in circles thinking about which books, which song lyrics, which poems would I like to illustrate? I reverted back to looking for inspiration in the style of an artist instead of striving to create my own work.
However, after a tutorial I was told that instead of trying to start a whole new project from scratch to look back at my previous project which I felt very comfortable with and try and pin down the main points from it. From doing this we came up with the term "kitsch".
Just googling the word and seeing quotes I was immediately inspired, particularly by the quotes:
  • In short, camp mocks bad taste; kitsch exploits it.
  • When applied to politics and taken to its extreme, kitsch is the mask of death. Fascism was all aesthetics. There was no core principle to it. There was no truth to it.
  • No matter how much we scorn it, kitsch is an integral part of the human condition.
I can now begin my project with these quotes and then work freely from them, letting my work spiral off wherever it wants to which is how I work best.
Whilst being frustrating I feel I have learnt a lot from this experience - I have realised once and for all that illustration is not for me; the idea of having to produce an obvious piece of work that clearly shows its meaning is not what I like to do - I like to explore and experiment with my ideas. Also I now know how I work best and this is by using briefs as a springboard rather than a prison for my ideas.

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