Friday 6 February 2015

Self Directed - Japanese Horror.

I spent today revisiting some of my old favourite Japanese Horror films. I forgot how much I loved this genre of film and how well the Japanese do horror. I think it's due to the fact that I'm older and think more, but I found myself questioning just what it was that makes Japanese horror so much more appealing that Hollywood horror. I came to the conclusion that it is the careful consideration of taking the normal situation and making it abnormal, sinister and horrifying. This is a skill that the Japanese seem to have perfected and not just within the horror genre.
There is no jumping out scare tactics, and blood and gore is not used as a tool, more of an effect. 
It is this taking the normal and transforming it before our eyes in a way that makes us consider our surroundings in a way we never normally do that I crave to do with my work and that I have already experimented with. I have decided that this is what I want to explore within my self directed study. 

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