Friday 24 January 2014

Grand Masters - Poor Image

After the visit to Huddersfield Art Gallery, I found that my main focus if I was to recreate the images was to change the quality of the images themselves or the media. 

Jack Butler Yeats - The Explorer Rebuffed. 1953

For example, with this painting I was particularly interested in his use of colour and the broad brushstrokes. The majority of modern day art uses digital processes and there is an obsession with making things looks as realistic as possible. To deconstruct this image I would like to convert it into a low res JPEG, pixelating the colours and flattening the image. 
This made me think about a previous lecture on "poor image", how society is brought up on compressed images that circulate the internet, videos recorded on mobile phones; simply low quality images.

After reading through these articles, I think I'm interested in this idea of a flat image that doesn't have any emotional meaning or relevance. I would like to convert these old pieces of work that express historical reality in the best way the artist could manage, into the careless style of the current poor image society.

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