Saturday 26 October 2013

Identities - Week 2 - Artist Research

As I've never really experimented with collaging before, I decided to do a little research into some artists that use this media that I could draw some inspiration from.

Prince Lauder

I love the composition of his works, and by taking the models from the original images out of context and combining them with other aspects is what I am interested in doing.

Alec Goss

The bright colours that Goss uses creates humour in his images, that almost disguise the important messages behind them. This juxtaposition of image and meaning is something I wish to explore.


Directed by Bernard Design, this Show Package really caught my eye due to once again taking images of models out of context and putting them in new surroundings. By combining them with famous historic pieces of art, it seems to me to be questioning the artistic preferences of the modern society.

Friday 25 October 2013

Identities - week 1

I began my project on how media affects our identities by flicking through magazines and newspapers with a critical eye. I was struck by the amount of ridiculous and shallow sayings that thoroughly encouraged the thought that happiness is achieved through the right clothes and the accepted body weight. I put some quick images together, as I found that by singling out the quotes made their patronising meaning so much more obvious.

This image reflects how an article on the Nairobi Mall attack that happened no more than a week previously was swamped by other images and articles that included the world's smallest man. I really felt that this said something about the attention span and interests of a lot of modern society, that something so serious could even be put on the same page as something so insignificant.

Obsession with celebrity and body weight. We look to celebrities for what to look like.

I created this by painting acrylic over images out of a magazine. This expresses my boredom and almost anger how page after page of a women's magazine just shows these same perfect, skinny girls - each one practically a clone of the one before.

Jean Campbell - 16 years old. Why is there such an obsession with looking as young as possible? I thought this model was much younger than even 16, yet here she was leaning against a car with a disturbing air of a mature woman about her, and on top of this posing with a distinctly older looking male. Why is this okay in the fashion world yet there is such a moral panic on the subject of paedophilia? If we want kids to be left alone, leave kids alone.

Both of these images test the idea of where our focus lies. Without the presence of a model in the image above, does our attention move to the headlines behind? If this is the case, is the identity of the model the only reason we're so interested in the clothes she wears? Is it the clothes we're buying, or her?

Identites - Week 1

To start off my project I began with the obvious - a mind map. At first was the main mind map that centred around simply what makes up our "identity"; I was immediately drawn towards the conformity thread.


On completing another mind map this time centred around the chosen conformity, I realised that all of the threads mentioned were in some way influenced by, or connected to, the media.
Upon completing another mind map on Media, it was immediately obvious that this was a massive subject with so many areas that are so prominent in our society that I decided just to begin and see where it took me. As I already have an idea that I want to work in collaging, I am going to begin with looking at magazines and newspapers and what kind of influences immediately jump out at me.