Sunday 12 October 2014

Year 2 - Market - Week 1 - Gathering images/sounds

At first I felt that this project brief was very vague - usually I get a lot of ideas just from the brief but this time nothing really hit me straight away. I decided to just begin gathering images in the style that I have done all summer: with video and photography.
I visited the market a few times in the week with my camera, just filming people walking through it and then putting the camera around my neck and filming myself walking around the market. With these actions I realised I was interested in the movement and interaction through the market and began to edit the videos in my style.
I also started the gather the noises of the market, trying to pick up individual conversations as I wandered around seeing if anything stood out.
At that time I thought of seeing whether I could recreate the atmosphere of the market through video and sound. However I still felt that my actions were shallow and just scraping the surface of a project - I didn't really feel that involved in it yet. My videos felt stale as they were just in the same style and software that I'd been doing all summer.
I think some research into the market and artists is in order.