Monday 21 July 2014

Summer - Starting Point

I began this project with the idea that I wanted to film things that people find disgusting or prefer to over look and forget about. I would then juxtapose this with a kitsch pop theme, editing it so that people don't realise what they're looking at until it hits them in the face.
I started by looking around my farm for inspiration for my first film and almost stepped on a dead rotting mouse hidden round a secluded corner. I got really excited as I think the placing of the mouse was perfect - creating a double layer that nature is also hiding these unsightly things.
Nature: HUMAN
Wanting to lure the watcher into a false sense of security, I started the film with me just walking into this odd space and then the camera switching to look down the alley. I then begin to zoom in on the mouse. Whilst editing the film I realised that I was creating a bizarre atmosphere almost accidentally; by making a show of walking in and out of the alley like nothing was amiss and then showing this horrific death scene it created different layers to a space. Whilst it is just a passing point to humans, this space was where a mouse died - a huge thing to a small creature.
I am extremely happy with this video and can't wait to continue trying to create lots of different layers to my films which make people ask lots of questions.